Palak Paneer


1.2 large bunches of spinach
2.2 packets of fried paneer
3.2-3 green chillies
4.8-10 garlic cloves
5.3 tbsps oil
6.½ tsp cumin seeds
7.Salt to taste
8.1 tbsp lemon juice
9.4 tbsps fresh cream

Remove stems and wash spinach in running water. Blanch in salted boiling water for 2 minutes. Remove and hold under chilled water. Squeeze out excess water. Remove stems, wash, and roughly chop green chillies.Grind spinach into a fine paste along with the green chillies.Peel, wash, and chop garlic.Heat oil in a pan. Add cumin seeds. When they change color, add garlic and sauté for half a minute. Add the spinach puree and stir. Check seasoning. Add water if required.When the gravy comes to a boil, add the paneer and mix well. Stir in lemon juice. Finally, add fresh cream.Serve hot